The Times Literary Supplement: Decision time for China By. Rosemary Righter
UN News Center: Over 200 million escape slums but overall number still rising, UN report finds
New York Times: Cities Deal With a Surge in Shantytowns By. JESSE McKINLEY
Red Herring Magazine: The Bilbao effect by. Joseph Giovannini
New York Times: Boldface Buildings in the Cold Light of Now By. VIVIAN S. TOY
Foreign Policy Magazine: Weapons of Mass Urban Destruction By Peter Calthorpe
World Economic Forum: Big Data, Big Impact, New Possibilities for International Development
Nature: Human cycles, History as science By Laura Spinney
The Atlantic: ‘A Perfect and Beautiful Machine’ – What Darwin’s Theory of Evolution Reveals About Artificial Intelligence By. Daniel C. Dennett Daniel C. Dennett
METROPOLISMAG: The Grandaddy of Prefab? by Morgan Campbellt